full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Bruce Schneier: The security mirage

Unscramble the Blue Letters

As the nvteoly wore off and the months went by, there was some amount of tolerance; people got used to it. There was no new data, but there was less fear. By autumn, people thoghut the doctors should have solved this already. And there's kind of a bifurcation: people had to choose between fear and acceptance — actually, fear and inedfiefrcne — and they kind of chose spiouscin. And when the vaccine appeared last winter, there were a lot of people — a siurrnispg number — who refused to get it. And it's a nice example of how people's feelings of security cngahe, how their model changes, sort of wildly, with no new information, with no new input. This kind of thing happens a lot.

Open Cloze

As the _______ wore off and the months went by, there was some amount of tolerance; people got used to it. There was no new data, but there was less fear. By autumn, people _______ the doctors should have solved this already. And there's kind of a bifurcation: people had to choose between fear and acceptance — actually, fear and ____________ — and they kind of chose _________. And when the vaccine appeared last winter, there were a lot of people — a __________ number — who refused to get it. And it's a nice example of how people's feelings of security ______, how their model changes, sort of wildly, with no new information, with no new input. This kind of thing happens a lot.


  1. novelty
  2. suspicion
  3. change
  4. surprising
  5. indifference
  6. thought

Original Text

As the novelty wore off and the months went by, there was some amount of tolerance; people got used to it. There was no new data, but there was less fear. By autumn, people thought the doctors should have solved this already. And there's kind of a bifurcation: people had to choose between fear and acceptance — actually, fear and indifference — and they kind of chose suspicion. And when the vaccine appeared last winter, there were a lot of people — a surprising number — who refused to get it. And it's a nice example of how people's feelings of security change, how their model changes, sort of wildly, with no new information, with no new input. This kind of thing happens a lot.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
feel secure 4
cognitive biases 3
people feel 3
burglar alarm 2
risk decisions 2
rare risks 2
false sense 2
feelings match 2
match reality 2
security theater 2
swine flu 2
people thought 2
seat belt 2

Important Words

  1. acceptance
  2. amount
  3. appeared
  4. autumn
  5. change
  6. choose
  7. chose
  8. data
  9. doctors
  10. fear
  11. feelings
  12. indifference
  13. information
  14. input
  15. kind
  16. lot
  17. model
  18. months
  19. nice
  20. novelty
  21. number
  22. people
  23. refused
  24. security
  25. solved
  26. sort
  27. surprising
  28. suspicion
  29. thought
  30. vaccine
  31. wildly
  32. winter
  33. wore